old gemstone blogs

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Sally x

Prasiolite or Prehnite - what is the difference?

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Prasiolite and Prehnite – a lovely combination of stones. 

Prasiolite, on the left, is the transparent green variety of crystalline quartz. The lightest saturation of green, it is sometimes marketed as green amethyst, sure to have gemmologists grinding their teeth as amethyst is the purple variety of crystalline quartz…

So, we are back to naming gemstones again and, according to the CIBJO blue books, it should be described as Prasiolite or Green Quartz. Having said that, if you heat treat amethyst it will alter its colour and while it usually turns the golden yellow of citrine, sometimes it will become green prasiolite – so, your prasiolite may once have been amethyst…

Prehnite, on the right, is a translucent green gemstone which often has mineral inclusions like these epidote inclusions seen in this stone. It is the first mineral to be named and described as coming from South Africa and the first to be named after its discoverer, Colonel Hendrik von Prehn, a Dutch commander of the military forces of South Africa.

Two stunning green stones which work beautifully together

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